"Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life." ~ Proverbs 16:31
Be honest: have you gained even a couple of new gray hairs since entering into the broken world of foster care?? I'm laughing out loud because I know many of you are, too. It is all too true.
Currently, my husband and I are caring for three children, two of which we are not getting reimbursed for AT ALL (long story), and are driving two hours a day so they can maintain their school placements. Did I mention it's December and Christmas is coming up, and that we get 14 mpg?
God says, through King Solomon, "The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart." Proverbs 17:3 If there's anything that tests my heart and spirit, it's being treated unfairly, or worse yet, watching kids be treated unfairly.
At first glance, the 'gray hair' verse may look like it's saying that we will live longer if we are righteous. As most of you know, this is Old Testament way of thinking. In the Hebrew language, the word "life" that is mentioned above means: "path, road, journey, way of life".
I believe this verse is meant to encourage us along our path. It is not the pretty, easy and smooth life that produces character. If you're growing some gray hair right now because of foster care and stressful circumstances, just know this means you are walking a beautiful path. Your reward will be great in heaven. Jesus said, "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward." ~ Matthew 10:42.
I needed to hear that today. I hope it blessed you, too.
Dear Jesus,
You are the ONLY wise God, and the ONLY one who is fully just and fully loving at the same time. Please give us sacrificial hearts that are willing to endure through the hardships for these precious children. You are the reason we live and breath. You are the reason we do what we do. Please provide for your children, bless them and heal them. We glorify your name and entrust you with the least of these, Lord.
In Jesus' Holy Name.